Info Bekam
What is hijaamah (cupping) and how do you perform it?.
The word hijaamah (cupping) comes for the word hajm which means sucking, as in the phrase hajama al-sabiy thadya ummihi (the infant suckled his mother’s breast). Al-Hajjaam means the cupper, hijaamah is the profession of cupping, and the word mihjam is used to describe the vessel in which the blood is collected and the lancet used by the cupper. (See Lisaan al-‘Arab).
In fiqh terminology the word hijaamah is applied by some scholars to the extraction of blood from the nape of the neck by means of cupping after making an incision with the lancet. Al-Zarqaani stated that cupping is not limited to the nape of the neck, rather it may be done on any part of the body. This was also the view of al-Khattaabi.
In fiqh terminology the word hijaamah is applied by some scholars to the extraction of blood from the nape of the neck by means of cupping after making an incision with the lancet. Al-Zarqaani stated that cupping is not limited to the nape of the neck, rather it may be done on any part of the body. This was also the view of al-Khattaabi.
In conclusion, hijaam refers to the extraction of blood from the body by means of cupping using a suitable vessel or whatever modern equipment serves the same purpose.
Cupping was known since ancient times. It was known to the Chinese, the Babylonians and the Pharaohs. Their relics and carved images indicate that they used cupping to treat some diseases. At first they used metal cups or bulls’ horns, from which they would remove the air by sucking it out after placing the cup on the skin. Then they used glass cups from which they would remove the air by burning a piece of cotton or wool inside the cup.
Virtues of cupping:
Al-Bukhaari narrated in his Saheeh (5269) from Sa’eed ibn Jubayr from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Healing is in three things: drinking honey, the incision of a cupper, and cauterizing with fire, but I forbid my ummah to use cauterizing.”
Al-Bukhaari (5263) and Muslim (2952) narrated that Anas ibn Maalik was asked about the earnings of the cupper, and he said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was treated with cupping by Abu Taybah. He ordered that he should be given two saa’ of food, and he spoke with his masters so that they reduced what they used to take from his earnings. And he said: “The best medicine with which you treat yourselves is cupping, or it is one of the best of your medicines.”
It was narrated that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “If there is anything good in the medicines with which you treat yourselves, it is in the incision of the cupper, or a drink of honey or cauterization with fire, but I do not like to be cauterized.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6583; Muslim, 2205).
Benefits of cupping:
Cupping has real benefits in treating many diseases, past and present. The diseases which have been treated by cupping and for which it has been of benefit by Allaah’s Leave include the following:
1- Circulatory diseases
2- Treating blood pressure and infection of the heart muscle
3- Diseases of the chest and trachea
4- Headache and pains in the eyes
5- Pain in the neck and stomach, and rheumatic pain in the muscles
6- Some diseases of the heart and chest, and pain in the joints
In addition, cupping may offer a unique treatment which may reduce pain, and it does not have any side-effects. For more information on the benefits of cupping see Zaad al-Ma’aad by Ibn al-Qayyim, 4/52, and al-Hijaamah: Ahkaamuha wa Fawaa’iduha by Ibraaheem al-Haazimi.
How cupping is done:
The mouth of the cupping vessel (nowadays they use glass vessels) is placed on the skin at the site chosen for cupping. Then the cupper rarefies the air inside the vessel by burning a small piece of paper or cotton inside the vessel, so that the mouth of the vessel will cling to the skin. Sometimes a machine is used instead of the method described above. The vessel clings to the skin and is left for a period of three to ten minutes. Then it is lifted off and a very small incision is made in the skin using a clean sharp instrument such as a razor blade or the like. Then the cup is put back in the same manner as described above, until it is filled with the bad blood that comes out of the veins. Then it is taken off, and may be put back once more if needed. When it is finished and the cup is taken away, a dry dressing is placed over the site of the incision. (See Mabaahith fi’l-Jaraahah al-Sughra wa’l-Takhdeer by Prof. Dr. Nazmi al-Qabbaani).
Before ending we should point out that no one should undertake cupping except one who can do it well, because of the harm that may result if it is done by one who is incompetent. And Allaah knows best.
Cupping is a method of treatment in which a jar is attached to the skin surface to cause local congestion through the negative pressure created. An incision lightly made to allow the congested blood to ooze out. This type of treatment has been practised by the chinese and the Arabs for thousand of years.Cupping is a therapeutic process of removing this unclean blood from the body . It is a form of medical treatment which has been recommended by Shari’ah.In Malay this practice is known as ‘BEKAM’ and in Arabic it is called ‘AL-HIJAMAH’ while in China ‘gua-sha’. In Arabic this method of therapy was popularised by our Prophet Muhammad(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) as stated in many Hadith.
Indication and Diseases that respond to Cupping:
The cupping method has the function of warming and promoting the flow of energy in the blood thus dispelling cold, dampness, toxins and winds. It also diminishes swellings and pains.
The cupping method has the function of warming and promoting the flow of energy in the blood thus dispelling cold, dampness, toxins and winds. It also diminishes swellings and pains.
The following problems respond very well to Cupping :-
Disease caused by dampness, such as low back pain, lumbago, sciatica, pain in the arms and shoulders, pain in the legs and muscular parts of the body, stomachache, vomiting, headache, migraine, sprains, insomnia, etc.
Disease caused by dampness, such as low back pain, lumbago, sciatica, pain in the arms and shoulders, pain in the legs and muscular parts of the body, stomachache, vomiting, headache, migraine, sprains, insomnia, etc.
Few Hadith About Cupping:
Ibn Abbas(R.A.) reported Allah’s messenger(sallallhu alaiyhi wassallam) as saying ” There is a remedy in three thing: The Incision of a cupping glass, a drink of honey, or cauterization by fire, but I forbid my people to cauterize.”
During the battle of Khaibar in 7 A.H. with the Jews, a jewish woman prepared some meat which she filled with deadly poison and presented to Rasullulah(sallallhu alaiyhi wassallam). Upon tasting the meat, the poison affected Rasullulah (sallallhu alaiyhi wassallam). Rasullulah(sallallhu alaiyhi wassallam) then used to undergo cupping in order to relieve himself from effects of the poison in his blood ( Shamaail Tirmizi )
Rasullullah (sallallhu alaiyhi wassallam) was once hurt on his leg, hence (probably due to the clogging of the blood), he underwent cupping on his leg. (Mishkat p. 389)
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) said, ‘Jibraaeel (alayhis salaam) repeatedly emphasised upon me to resort to cupping to the extent that I feared that cupping will be made compulsory.’ (Jamal Wasaail p. 179).
Hadhrat Anas (Radhiallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu aayhi Wasallam) said, ‘The best medicine is cupping.’ (Shamaail, chapter of Cupping)
Hadhrat Abu Kabsha (Radhiallaahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) used to undergo cupping on the head and between his shoulders and he used to say, ‘Whosoever removes this blood, it will not harm him that he does not take any other medical treatment.’ (Mishkat p. 389)
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) praised a person who performs cupping, saying it removes blood, lightens the back and sharpens the eyesight (Jamal Wasaail p. 179) The above quoted Ahaadith are clear that cupping was practised by Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) himself and strongly recommended by him.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) has also given some guidelines regarding cupping. Once he came across a fasting person who underwent cupping and became weak. Hence, he said, ‘The person who underwent cupping broke his fast.’ (Jam?l Wasaail p. 179) Mullah Ali Qari (Rahmatullaahi alayhi) while explaining the Hadith states that since a person is already weak by fasting, undergoing cupping weakens him further. Thus such a person due to feeling extremely weak may be forced to break his fast.
He further states that in the light of the principle understood from the Hadith, cupping should not be administered immediately after having a hot bath, or while the belly is full.
Time of Cupping:
Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (Radhiallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘One should not undergo cupping during the 13, 14 and 15 of the lunar month.’ Some Muhadditheen explain that on those days the full moon has a gravitational impact on many things on earth. For example, the sea has high tides due to the full moon. Similarly, the flowing of the blood is also affected and flows faster during the full moon. One may loose much blood in these days if one undergoes cupping.
Therefore, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) advised that one should undergo cupping on the 17, 19 and 21 of the lunar month. (Mishkat p. 389). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) advised that cupping should not be done on a Tuesday, since there is a certain time on a Tuesday that flowing blood does not stop. (Mishkat p. 389). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) also advised that cupping should not be done on Saturdays and Wednesdays as this could lead to leprosy. (Mishkat p. 389). As the need may arise, cupping may be performed at any time according to the condition or urgency.
Cupping Techniques:
There are various types of cups – rubber, bamboo, glass and plastic, animal horns, etc and also the techinique of cupping varies from place to place or form country to country.
Hadhrat Abu Hurayrah (Radhiallaahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) said: ‘One should not undergo cupping during the 13, 14 and 15 of the lunar month.’ Some Muhadditheen explain that on those days the full moon has a gravitational impact on many things on earth. For example, the sea has high tides due to the full moon. Similarly, the flowing of the blood is also affected and flows faster during the full moon. One may loose much blood in these days if one undergoes cupping.
Therefore, Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) advised that one should undergo cupping on the 17, 19 and 21 of the lunar month. (Mishkat p. 389). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) advised that cupping should not be done on a Tuesday, since there is a certain time on a Tuesday that flowing blood does not stop. (Mishkat p. 389). Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) also advised that cupping should not be done on Saturdays and Wednesdays as this could lead to leprosy. (Mishkat p. 389). As the need may arise, cupping may be performed at any time according to the condition or urgency.
Cupping Techniques:
There are various types of cups – rubber, bamboo, glass and plastic, animal horns, etc and also the techinique of cupping varies from place to place or form country to country.
Among the Kelantanese Malays, they used buffalo horns, drinking glasses and bamboo as cups. It is said that the ancient Chinese and Arabs had used animal horns for cupping.
Cupping Techniques Today:
Today, there are various types of cups to choose for cupping such as rubber cups, bamboos, cupping glasses or plastic cups.
Today, there are various types of cups to choose for cupping such as rubber cups, bamboos, cupping glasses or plastic cups.
There are two types of cupping more prevalent today:
Traditional Cupping and
Vacuum Cupping
Traditional Cupping are the one that need some kind of fire to create a vacuum, while the vacuum cups ( a newer type) have a pump so that no fire is needed.
The scholars advise that administering medicine requires medical expertise. Therefore, with regard to any medical treatment recommended by Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam), due to health and medical intricacies, one must exercise caution and consult with a physician. Similarly, with regard to cupping, although it is strongly recommended by Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam), one must consult with a medical practitioner before undergoing cupping.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) himself underwent cupping many times and encouraged others to do so too. May we revive this Sunnah and benefit from it’s therapeutic effects.
Al-Hijama - A Cure For Every Disease, Pain and Ailment
(By Allah's Permission)Cupping (hijama) is the best remedy recommended and used by the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam). The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (hijama)…" [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)]. He (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) also said that on the night of Israa (his ascension to the heavens) he (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) did not pass by an angel except that it said to him, "Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama)." [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)]. This shows the importance and greatness of this Sunnah.
'Hijama' in arabic is derived from 'hajm' which means 'sucking'. Cupping (hijama) is the process of applying cups to various points on the body by removing the air inside the cups to form a vacuum.
Cupping (hijama) is of three types:
Dry cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum on different areas of the body in order to gather the blood in that area without incisions (small, light scratches using a sterile surgical blade or disinfected razor).
Dry massage cupping (hijama) – This is similar to dry cupping (hijama) but olive oil is applied to the skin (before applying the cups) in order to allow easy movement of the cups.
70% of diseases, pains and ailments are due to the blood being unable to reach certain parts of the body. Dry cupping (hijama) and dry massaging cupping (hijama) allow the blood to reach these places.
Although dry and massage cupping (hijama) are very beneficial, they are not from the Sunnah. However, they fall under the general hadeeth:
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "For every disease there is a cure so if the medicine comes upon the disease it cures it by the will of Allaah, the Most High." [Saheeh Muslim (2204)].
Wet cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum at different points on the body but with incisions in order to remove 'harmful' blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. (It is recommended that wet cupping (hijama) is only administered by a cupping therapist).
Wet cupping (hijama) is from the Sunnah. To obtain maximum benefit from cupping (hijama), it is recommended that all three methods of cupping are used.
Is cupping (hijama) a cure for every disease?
Cupping (hijama) is a cure for every disease if performed in its correct time. The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure." [Saheeh Muslim (5706)]. The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease." [Saheeh Sunan abi Dawud (3861)].
(By Allah's Permission)Cupping (hijama) is the best remedy recommended and used by the Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam). The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (hijama)…" [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)]. He (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) also said that on the night of Israa (his ascension to the heavens) he (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) did not pass by an angel except that it said to him, "Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama)." [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)]. This shows the importance and greatness of this Sunnah.
'Hijama' in arabic is derived from 'hajm' which means 'sucking'. Cupping (hijama) is the process of applying cups to various points on the body by removing the air inside the cups to form a vacuum.
Cupping (hijama) is of three types:
Dry cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum on different areas of the body in order to gather the blood in that area without incisions (small, light scratches using a sterile surgical blade or disinfected razor).
Dry massage cupping (hijama) – This is similar to dry cupping (hijama) but olive oil is applied to the skin (before applying the cups) in order to allow easy movement of the cups.
70% of diseases, pains and ailments are due to the blood being unable to reach certain parts of the body. Dry cupping (hijama) and dry massaging cupping (hijama) allow the blood to reach these places.
Although dry and massage cupping (hijama) are very beneficial, they are not from the Sunnah. However, they fall under the general hadeeth:
The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "For every disease there is a cure so if the medicine comes upon the disease it cures it by the will of Allaah, the Most High." [Saheeh Muslim (2204)].
Wet cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum at different points on the body but with incisions in order to remove 'harmful' blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. (It is recommended that wet cupping (hijama) is only administered by a cupping therapist).
Wet cupping (hijama) is from the Sunnah. To obtain maximum benefit from cupping (hijama), it is recommended that all three methods of cupping are used.
Is cupping (hijama) a cure for every disease?
Cupping (hijama) is a cure for every disease if performed in its correct time. The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Indeed in cupping (hijama) there is a cure." [Saheeh Muslim (5706)]. The Messenger (Sallallaahu Álayhi Wasallam) said, "Whoever performs cupping (hijama) on the 17th, 19th or 21st day (of the Islamic, lunar month) then it is a cure for every disease." [Saheeh Sunan abi Dawud (3861)].
Many benefits of cupping
Cupping is the term applied to a technique that uses small glass cups or bamboo jars as suction devices that are placed on the skin. There are several ways that a practitioner can create the suction in the cups. One method involves swabbing rubbing alcohol onto the bottom of the cup, then lighting it and putting the cup immediately against the skin. Suction can also be created by placing an inverted cup over a small flame, or by using an alcohol-soaked cotton pad over an insulating material (like leather) to protect the skin, then lighting the pad and placing an empty cup over the flame to extinguish it. Flames are never used near the skin and are not lit throughout the process of cupping, but rather are a means to create the heat that causes the suction within the small cups.
Once the suction has occurred, the cups can be gently moved across the skin (often referred to as "gliding cupping). The suction in the cups causes the skin and superficial muscle layer to be lightly drawn into the cup. Cupping is much like the inverse of massage - rather than applying pressure to muscles, it uses gentle pressure to pull them upward. For most patients, this is a particularly relaxing and relieving sensation. Once suctioned, the cups are generally left in place for about ten minutes while the patient relaxes. This is similar to the practice of Tui Na, a traditional Chinese medicine massage technique that targets acupuncture points as well as painful body parts, and is well known to provide relief through pressure.
Generally, cupping is combined with acupuncture in one treatment, but it can also be used alone. The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles, encourage blood flow, and sedate the nervous system (which makes it an excellent treatment for high blood pressure). Cupping is used to relieve back and neck pains, stiff muscles, anxiety, fatigue, migraines, rheumatism, and even cellulite. For weight loss and cellulite treatments, oil is first applied to the skin, and then the cups are moved up and down the surrounding area.
Like acupuncture, cupping follows the lines of the meridians. There are five meridian lines on the back, and these are where the cups are usually placed. Using these points, cupping can help to align and relax qi, as well as target more specific maladies. By targeting the meridian channels, cupping strives to ‘open' these channels - the paths through which life energy flows freely throughout the body, through all tissues and organs, thus providing a smoother and more free-flowing qi (life force). Cupping is one of the best deep-tissue therapies available. It is thought to affect tissues up to four inches deep from the external skin. Toxins can be released, blockages can be cleared, and veins and arteries can be refreshed within these four inches of affected materials. Even hands, wrists, legs, and ankles can be ‘cupped,' thus applying the healing to specific organs that correlate with these points.
This treatment is also valuable for the lungs, and can clear congestion from a common cold or help to control a person's asthma. In fact, respiratory conditions are one of the most common maladies that cupping is used to relieve. Three thousand years ago, in the earliest Chinese documentation of cupping, it was recommended for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis.
-Seelok-eloknya berpuasa atau 2 jam sebelum berbekam jangan makan makanan yang terlalu mengeyangkan bagi memudahkan proses pengeluaran darah kotor.
-Selepas berbekam hendaklah berehat dan jangan makan/mandi melainkan selepas sejam kemudian.
-Jangan makan makanan laut untuk 2-3 hari selepas bekam bagi mengelakkan rasa gatal pada tempat bekam tadi.
-Selepas berbekam hendaklah berehat dan jangan makan/mandi melainkan selepas sejam kemudian.
-Jangan makan makanan laut untuk 2-3 hari selepas bekam bagi mengelakkan rasa gatal pada tempat bekam tadi.
"Berbekam pada pagi hari sebelum makan adalah yang terbaik,di dalamnya terdapat penyembuhan dan berkat,serta menambah kekuatan akal dan hafalan."
Kepada setiap muslim dan muslimah di seluruh dunia,timur dan barat, saya menghadirkan di hadapan anda semua satu kekayaan terpendam, mutiara tersembunyi, sunnah yang dilupakan oleh ramai umat Islam khususnya, dan penyembuh segala penyakit dengan izin Allah SWT di mana Rasul dan kekasih kita Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda:
"Sebaik-baik pengubatan bagi kalian ialah hijamah (bekam)"
"Barangsiapa berbekam pasti mendapat rahmat dari Allah SWT"
(Riwayat Ahmad dan Tabrani dari Samurah r.a)
Orang-orang beriman baik lelaki atau perempuan pasti sangat rindu ingin mendengar sunnah Rasulullah SAW khususnya bekam. Ramai pesakit yang pernah menjalani terapi bekam ini menyaksikan dan merasai sendiri mukjizat kesembuhan dalam mengatasi penyakit-penyakit yang sukar di sembuhkan oleh para doktor. Sayangnya masih sedikit yang mengenali kaedah pengubatan ini. Bahkan dari kalangan terpelajar pun sedikit sekali yang pernah mendengarnya apalagi dari kalangan awam.
Setiap muslim dan muslimah tahu bahawa hadith-hadith Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah berubah dan berganti, kerana ia wahyu dari Allah SWT dan agama ini telah sempurna dan segala puji hanya bagi Allah SWT. Maka hadith-hadith yang berkaitan kaedah pengubatan dengan bekam, keutamaannya, hari-hari perlaksanaannya dan sebagainya adalah bersifat tetap tidak berubah.
Sungguhpun begitu saya memohon kepada Allah SWT agar mengurniakan kepada kita ilmu, pandangan yang mendalam dan keikhlasan dalam memberikan manfaat kepada seluruh umat Islam tanpa terkecuali,sesungguhnya Dia yang berkuasa ke atas sesuatu.
Menurut Ibnu Qoyyim Al-Jauziyyah dalam Thibbun Nabawi,bahawa pengubatan bekam harus dilakukan secara bersamaan dan berpadu dengan penggunaan bahan alami seperti madu,habbatus sauda,kismis,tamar dan lain-lain, disertai dengan zikir mahupun doa-doa Ruqyah Syar'iyyah,serta mengamalkan ajaran islam yang nyata.
Barangsiapa menghidupkan sunnahku bererti ia mencintaiku dan barangsiapa yang mencintaiku, maka ia akan bersamaku di dalam Syurga. (Al Hadis)
Perawatan ini tidak perlu diragukan lagi kerana berdasarkan hadis-hadis yang banyak menerangkan kebaikan bagi orang yang mengamalkan bekam ini. Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan insan pertama yang dibekam para Malaikat dengan perintah Allah SWT sebelum Isra dan Mi'raj.
Bekam merupakan teknik perubatan Sunnah Rasulullah SAW yang telah lama diamalkan oleh manusia sejak zaman dahulu kala,dan kini di modenkan mengikut kaedah-kaedah ilmiah dan kaedah efektif tanpa kesan sampingan.
Teknik perubatan bekam adalah suatu proses membuang darah kotor dan toksid melalui permukaan kulit. Toksin/toksid adalah endapan racun/zat kimia yang tidak dapat diuraikan oleh tubuh kita. Toksin ini berasal daripada pencemaran udara,mahupun dari makanan yang banyak mengandungi zat pewarna,zat pengembang,penyedap rasa,pemanis,racun dari sayuran dan sebagainya. Dan BEKAM adalah salah satu proses 'detoksifikasi' yang sangat berkesan dan mujarab serta tiada kesan sampingan. Berbekam juga sangat bermanfaat untuk mengubati orang yang keracunan makanan,bisa dan sejenisnya.
Pembekaman ketika perut kenyang boleh menyebabkan timbulnya penyumbatan darah atau berbagai penyakit kritikal yang lain, terutama bila makanan yang di jamah terlalu berat dan tidak sihat. Imam asy-Syuyuthi menyokong pendapat Ibnu Umar,bahawa berbekam dalam keadaan perut kosong itu adalah paling baik kerana ketika itu terdapat kesembuhan. Maka disarankan bagi yang hendak berbekam untuk tidak makan makanan berat seeloknya 2-3 jam sebelumnya.
Dalam satu athar disebutkan: "Pembekaman yang dilakukan ketika haus,boleh membantu proses penyembuhan.Apabila dilakukan ketika kenyang,boleh menimbulkan penyakit.Bila dilakukan tarikh 17 juga boleh membantu penyembuhan."
Dari Abu Hurairah yang berkata,Rasulullah SAW bersabda : "Barangsiapa berbekam pada tanggal 17,19 dan 21,maka itu akan menyembuhkan semua penyakit."
Mengenai hari-hari dalam seminggu adalah digalakkan berbekam pada hari Khamis bagi mendapat berkat dari Allah SWT. Berbekamlah pada hari Isnin dan Selasa,kerana itu merupakan hari di mana Nabi Ayyub disembuhkan dari penyakit dan bala. Hindari berbekam pada hari Rabu kerana sesungguhnya penyakit kusta dan belang mula muncul pada malam Rabu dan hari Rabu.
Abu Na'im dalam bukunya at-Tibbun Nabawi menyebut sebuah hadith marfu', "Hendaklah kamu sekalian melakukan bekam di titik qamahduwah di bahagian tengkuk, kerana itu dapat menyembuhkan lima jenis penyakit,di antaranya adalah lepra (kusta)."
Pada hadith lain disebutkan, "Hendaklah kamu sekalian melakukan bekam di titik qamahduwah di bahagian tengkuk,kerana hal itu dapat menyembuhkan 72 jenis penyakit."
Anas bin Malik menceritakan, "Dahulu Rasulullah SAW biasa berbekam pada bahu dan dua pelipis kening baginda." Di dalam Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim diriwayatkan bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah melakukan bekam sebanyak 3 kali pada dua pelipis kening dan bahunya. Pada Sunan Ibnu Majah diriwayatkan daripada Ali bahawa Jibril pernah turun menemui Rasulullah SAW untuk mengajarkan bekam pada dua pelipis (kening) dan bahu baginda.
Ibnu Abbas pernah berkata, Nabi Muhammad s.a.w bersabda, "Orang yang paling baik adalah seorang tukang bekam,kerana ia mengeluarkan darah,meringankan otot kaku dan mempertajamkan pandangan mata orang yang dibekamnya."
Dalam Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim diriwayatkan daripada Thawus, daripada Ibnu Abbas bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah berbekam dan memberi upah kepada tukang bekamnya.
Dalam Sahih Bukhari dan Muslim diriwayatkan daripada Thawus, daripada Ibnu Abbas bahawa Rasulullah SAW pernah berbekam dan memberi upah kepada tukang bekamnya.
-Menghilangkan pengaruh sihir,bisa santau dan racun.
-Membantu menghilangkan pening dan migrain.
-Membantu membuang angin dalam badan,melegakan pernafasan dan sistem perkumuhan.
-Membantu memecahkan lemak,peluh dan melegakan demam.
-Membantu melegakan ketegangan urat leher,bahu,belikat,pinggang dan urat sendi.
-Membantu mencegah dan meredakan serangan angin akhmar,kebas-kebas tangan dan kaki.
-Mengeluarkan darah toksid dan melancarkan peredaran darah.
-Membantu meringankan tubuh.Darah kotor yang terkumpul di bawah permukaan kulit menyebabkan rasa berat dan malas.
-Membantu menajamkan penglihatan.Peredaran darah ke mata tersumbat menyebabkan penglihatan kabur.
Inilah rupa darah bekam - berketul, kental dan berbuih