Benefits of Cupping - Why it Works
The cardiovascular system is made up of the heart and all of the blood and lymphatic vessels in the body. The heart acts as a pump to drive the blood; a complex fluid made up of digested food materials, respiratory gasses (oxygen being carried in, carbon dioxide being carried out), and protective and regulatory chemicals through the approximately 60,000 miles of vessels in the body.More than 90 percent of Americans live in jeopardy of having a serious illness relating to the circulatory system. The human and financial cost of cardiovascular disease in the U.S. alone is astronomical. Every year, approximately 1.5 million Americans have a heart attack, 300,000 of whom die before receiving medical attention.The above is a partial scientific explanation.
Cupping (hijama) goes way beyond scientific understanding. Cupping (hijama) does not heal your body or have a direct effect on individual medical problems, per se. Cupping cleans the bodies cardiovascular system so disease never has a chance to develop. Where disease already exists, cupping cleans the system to help the system better fight and recover from the disease. Noticeable benefits from cupping often come weeks, even months after a cupping (hijama) session. It is very foolish to wait till the point that your body is showing signs of problems. Cupping is best utilized as a preventative maintenance procedure for your body.
In short, it better enables your body to heal itself -- No drugs, no expensive treatment or therapy and above all, no operations.
Cupping removes dead blood cells from the cardiovascular system. It is a bit like getting your radiator flushed. It should be done before your car overheats and the damage to your engine block or hoses are done. Practitioners who emphasizes cupping as a cure are like auto mechanics who claim flushing your radiator will cure your cracked engine block. Of course, your radiator should be flushed, but if it were properly maintained no damage would have resulted to your engine in the first place. Fortunately the body, unlike an engine block can often repair itself. In the case of some ailments and conditions cupping, most effectively if they are applied soon after the event, can have a very positive effect. Especially with problems directly related to the cardiovascular system such as stroke and heart failure.
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