‘Hijama’ balances body energy pathways

AJMAN - Known by several names, practiced by many cultures, Hijama (cupping) method of treatment is gaining popularity worldwide.
Cupping has been successful in curing hypertension, migraine, bronchial asthma, food allergy, diabetes type II, backache, skin diseases, along with other serious diseases, such as heart failure, vascular diseases and cancer.
Dr Amr Farouk, Vascular Diseases therapist and Hijama expert at the GMC Hospital in Ajman explains that blood filled with impurities is drawn by vacuum (Hijama) from a small skin incision. It proves to be 10 to 14 times more effective than 20 other alternative therapies, including acupuncture, he adds.
“Not only does Hijama fix and balance the body energy pathways (meridians), it also stimulates the nerves, and more importantly boosts the circulatory system,” Dr Amr explains.
The traditional art of Hijama dates back to 7000 BC, as per the drawings and writings engraved on the Pharaonic, Chinese and Babylonian monuments.
“The process stimulates the central nervous system, pituitary glands and circulatory system. It also activates transmission of blood to all tissues. It boosts up the immune system and produces anti-bodies that kill diseases,” he says.
Hijama has two aspects – the protective part, known as Sunnah cupping and the curative part. “Anyone can go through Hijama since it involves protecting the body against diseases while the curative treatment is specific to each disease and there are specific ways to manage it,” he said.


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